[May 16th 2024] Sometimes when travelling the world reporting, I also like to think I am travelling in time, finding myself in vintage hotel rooms at night trying to sleep and wake up early with endless landscapes at dusk. To photograph Beauty. That’s what I live for.

Senegal, AFRICA

[...] Korea got me nostalgic of the future but I remember once in San Diego, California, I have fallen into the 60's - the red phone by the bed, the carpets, the valley across the windows at sunrise. I remember the Lobby, the lobby music, I felt like in a Hunter Thompson's journey or a David Lynch's mystery. 
At the same time, in remote places, I can live with a hundred years ago mentality, I blend, I go through. I love my job, I can’t stop.

BALI - Ubud, Nosy Iranja, Madagascar

Love and respect have been the "filo conduttore" of my research in Beauty. I believe in high values. As much as I believe in the pure act of a click.

Beyrouth Albergo. Planning.

from the Library ...           
"The suitcase that Michel‐Ange and Ulysse triumphantly bring home, years later, to their wives turns out to contain only picture postcards, hundreds of them, of Monuments, Department Stores, Mammals, Wonders of Nature, Methods of Transport, Works of Art, and other classified treasures from around the globe. Godard's gag vividly parodies the equivocal magic of the photographic image. Photographs are perhaps the most mysterious of all the objects that make up, and thicken, the environment we recognize as modern. Photographs really are experience captured, and the camera is the ideal arm of consciousness in its acquisitive mood. - Susan Sontag "On Photography"